After remarrying his wife, he became more and more involved with himself for several years, and recently spent a lonely day rejecting even the night. When my wife went out and rested alone in the house, I happened to see her ex-wife Tomosatoe come to my house as a visiting salesman. I was so excited that I invited Yurie into the room. I was talking about the past and now with a feeling of reporting to each other. When I suddenly remembered my sexual relationship with Yurie, I couldn't bear it anymore, and when I covered her up, she kissed me so hard that I scolded her. Although he hated Yurie, he felt like a mistress who knew his sexual sensibilities. Then, when a thief is pushed out in front of his eyes and he is forced to force him into the face, it can not be suppressed from the back of Karada's unpleasant whistling, and the moment he is put in, it reaches its peak. That night, Yurie who thinks in the living room alone. My husband didn't get a job again, he fell in love with alcohol and gambling, his wife was weak, and in fact, Tomorie was frustrated. In such a situation, the hard erection of the ex-husband who was caught up. Tomosatoe couldn't stand it, and he felt complacent.