Bowjack's evil organization repeatedly kidnapped women to collect the "extracy power" energy needed to resurrect the Great Devil, but turned them into pink and yellow in the Kaiser Five of the Star Sea Squadron. They are the gingers of Five Star's power, and when they collect their exaggeration power, the Great Devil Bowjack will be completely restored. Pink and yellow capture strategy begins. the kaiser five of the star battle party fighting the monsters attacking... But the four new monsters are struggling. Gameking, a monster with an iron-walled shell that appears in front of a lone kaiser pink... And the quinpancer, a sow that makes you confused. On the other hand, Yellow, who was also left alone, fights two monsters. Zenmaiger's powerful ability by winding senmai .... And the time-controlling “clocker”. Is it possible for the Kaiser Five to defeat the monsters and prevent the resurrection of the Bowjack Great Devil?! [BAD END]